Native port of “dotnet” to FreeBSD, Initial port at version 8, with successive version ports ongoing

Contact: Gleb Popov <>

The support for .NET on FreeBSD (dotnet) enables developers to choose their preferred platform without constraints. This compatibility allows them to take advantage of FreeBSD’s unique benefits while maintaining a consistent development environment with .NET.

The new native port of .NET, currently available for the amd64 architecture (with aarch64 support in progress), brings .NET runtime version 8 to FreeBSD. This ensures full compatibility while leveraging FreeBSD’s performance and security features, allowing developers to fully utilize FreeBSD’s capabilities.

Porting .NET to FreeBSD is a collaborative effort involving key community contributors. Gleb Popov ( maintains the .NET port, with significant contributions from thefrank, Naram Qashat (, and Szczepan Ćwikliński (sec). The team actively collaborates with the dotnet upstream project, including filing PRs on GitHub. Their combined efforts have been crucial in realizing .NET on FreeBSD.

More Information: dotnet (GitHub)