Foundation Logo
Our logo was designed to not only reflect the established and professional nature of our organization, but also to represent the link between the Project and the Foundation, and our commitment to community, collaboration, and the advancement of FreeBSD.
Download logo files

Clearspace and Alterations
When using the logo with other elements provide space around the logo. The clear space should be at least 150% the size of the logo or the size of the “r”.

Please don’t:
– Alter the logo in any way.
– Put at an angle or rearrange elements
– Add shadows or special effects
– Change the colors
– Squeeze or stretch
– Place on a complicated background
– Use older versions of the logo
– Animate the logo
– Separate the icon from the wordmark
– Use inaccessible color combinations
Our main color palette consists of two reds and black. You may also use the neutral and accent palettes sparingly. Please ensure that when using our colors, you follow WCAG AA accessibility color contrast guidelines. If you are unsure if a color combination is accessible, run the combination through a contrast checker like this one. A full list of accessible color combinations is here.
Main colors

Neutral colors

Accent colors

Our typefaces are the highly-legible Heebo and the approachable sans-serif Montserrat. Use Heebo for headlines and callouts and Montserrat for body copy. Typefaces are available here: Heebo and Montserrat.

FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation. The FreeBSD logo and The Power to Serve are trademarks of The FreeBSD Foundation. See the Trademark Usage Terms and Conditions for more information.