March 25, 2006
The FreeBSD Foundation is proud to announce the availability of certified Java 1.5 JDK and JRE binaries for FreeBSD 5.4 and 6.0! This is an example of how committed we are to supporting projects that enhance the FreeBSD operating system. Read our press release for more information. Also, check out Dru Lavigne’s interview with FreeBSD Foundation’s Deb Goodkin.
We are continuing to support more Java projects on FreeBSD, including certified releases for FreeBSD 5.5, FreeBSD 6.1, and added support for the amd64/em64t hardware platform.
The FreeBSD Foundation and Coverity, Inc., are pleased to announce the licensing of the Coverity Prevent™ static analysis software for use by the FreeBSD Project. The Prevent analysis tool provides for static C source code analysis, finding common patterns of source code bug, including bugs leading to crashes or security vulnerabilities. This agreement follows on the footsteps of a 12-month trial project applying the Coverity Prevent software to the FreeBSD kernel source code, and allows perpetual use and customization of the Prevent tool by the FreeBSD Project. Since the FreeBSD Foundation brought their FreeBSD Project’s Prevent server online in mid-January, 90 kernel developers have registered to use the service, committing hundreds of bug fixes, many present in the upcoming FreeBSD 6.1 release, and will be expanding the application of the tool to cover additional system components.