July 9, 2024


Foundation Update

As we get into the hot summer months of the Northern Hemisphere, FreeBSD has been busy. We have a new release, 14.1, we held a Developer Summit in May, the results of the community survey were published, and we celebrated FreeBSD Day with a week’s worth of activities.


Our Executive Director Deb Goodkin, was interviewed by CIO Influence magazine. Read the interview to hear about FreeBSD security, enterprise applications, and differences from Linux.


Before you go, fundraising at a Foundation is a never-ending task. The funds raised are primarily used to fund software development projects, with other funds going toward advocacy efforts. 


During the June FreeBSD Day celebrations, we held a fundraising event that raised over $11k during that week! Thank you to all those who donated! To show your support for FreeBSD, click here to access the donate link.



July Technical News

14.1 Released!

14.1-RELEASE reaffirms FreeBSD’s dedication to meeting the evolving needs of its users, solidifying its position as one of the top choices among open source operating systems. FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE offers significant enhancements to infrastructure, hardware compatibility, and security, further demonstrating its value to the industry. 

Read the 14.1 Blog

Visit the 14.1-RELEASE page


Vector Packet Processor (VPP)

The Vector Packet Processor (VPP) is an open source, high-performance user-space networking stack that provides fast packet processing suitable for software-defined networking and network function virtualization applications. Tom Jones wrapped up his part on a project to port VPP to FreeBSD. The code has been shared with RG Nets, a co-sponsor of the work, for extensive testing. 


Tom’s work was published in The New Stack. Read all about it!

Upstreaming FreeBSD Code to the Linux Vector Packet Processor Project

It’s Not Unusual To Port the Linux Vector Packet Processor (VPP) to FreeBSD


User Spotlight

Our user spotlight this month is Cloudnium, an internet service provider. To meet the hosting needs of AI and cloud computing clients, Cloudnium adopted FreeBSD for its core infrastructure, which led to higher performance, cost savings, and increased client satisfaction.

Do you want to be featured in a future User Spotlight? Submit your user story, and we might write it up and publish it—and give you some swag. 


Partnership Update

Is it the season of partnering? Maybe not, but the past month has been busy with alliances and partnerships.

In May, the FreeBSD Foundation joined the Eclipse Open Regulatory Compliance Working Group to participate in important discussions on the implementation of the EU Cyber Resilience Act and what it means for open source. There is a lot to consider here, and the important work with this working group will benefit the Project and the Foundation.

In June, the FreeBSD Foundation became a founding member of the CHERI Alliance, created to drive the adoption of memory safety and scalable software compartmentalization. Industry adoption and support from the ecosystem are crucial for the collaboration needed to share security expertise and drive education, adoption, and standardization efforts. 


May 2024 Developer Summit Update

FreeBSD developers, luminaries, and enthusiasts gathered in Ottawa for the Developer Summit. If you missed it, here’s a comprehensive list of valuable insights from all of the sessions. Click to explore and enjoy.

Core Team updates

FreeBSD Foundation updates

Release engineering updates

FreeBSD 15 release planning

OCI containers on FreeBSD

Integration with Rust

Continuous integration, “bricoler” and debugging tools

Antithesis deterministic hypervisor


FreeBSD Day – A Week’s Worth of Activities

FreeBSD Day is celebrated annually on June 19. For this year’s celebration, we organized a week of activities that included sharing technical content, user stories, and two days of live-streamed interviews.


Our coup of the week was our interview with Beastie. They sat down with Kim McMahon to talk about a typical day as BSD Mascot, what they love about FreeBSD, their favorite programming language, and more! Listen to the interview and all the other live streams from our FreeBSD Day celebration.


Upcoming Events


EuroBSDCon 2024, Dublin, Ireland (Sept 19-22). 


September 2024 FreeBSD Developer Summit, Dublin, Ireland (Sept 19-20)


All Things Open 2024, Raleigh, NC (Oct 27-29)

OpenZFS Developer Summit 2024, Portland, OR (Oct 28-29)


SAVE THE DATE! Fall FreeBSD Summit, San Jose, CA (Nov 7-8)

Stay Connected! 
