FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels.
FOSDEM 2016 is over for another year!
The whole team would like to thank everyone for their contribution to another successful event!
Please tell us about your FOSDEM experience at feedback@fosdem.org. All your feedback and suggestions for next year will be greatly appreciated.
You may also submit feedback on individual talks by following the link at the bottom of each event page in the schedule.
Videos will appear gradually on video.fosdem.org as they are marked up and encoded over the coming days. Of course we have not yet had the opportunity to review the actual content, but at this stage we estimate that we captured approximately three-quarters of the event, with good coverage of Saturday afternoon and Sunday in most rooms.
If you’re still in the region, don’t miss the remaining FOSDEM Fringe events!