October 31, 2022

In January 2019, the FreeBSD Journal moved away from a subscription model, and we’ve been proud to offer it as a free publication ever since. We’ve hoped to raise awareness of FreeBSD throughout the world by making the voice of the FreeBSD community as accessible as possible.
Issues are published on a bi-monthly schedule and can be found on the Foundation’s website. You can also find past issues, details on becoming involved, and information about the editorial and advisory boards. Article ideas are always welcome and are a fantastic way to give back to the FreeBSD community.
The July/August 2022 issue focused on Science, Systems, and FreeBSD with articles on Building the Loom Framework on FreeBSD, Teaching an Undergraduate Unix course, an Introduction to FreeBSD Workshop, and more. Make sure to stay tuned for the September/October issue, which will focus on security.
Oh and did we mention, it’s still free?