March 27, 2013

The FreeBSD Foundation is soliciting the submission of project proposals for funded development grants.Proposals may be related to any of the major subsystems or infrastructure within the FreeBSD operating system, and will be evaluated based on desirability, technical merit, and cost-effectiveness.

Key dates for this proposal solicitation:

Call for proposals: 27th March 2013

Deadline for submissions: 26th April 2013

Notifcation of accepted proposals: 17th May 2013

Proposals must include the following:

* A detailed description of what is being proposed, how it willbenefit the FreeBSD Project, and why the work is needed.

* A timeline and costing for the project.

* One or more people that will act as technical reviewers for the work.

Proposals are open to all developers, including non-FreeBSD committers, but developers without access to commit to the source tree must provide details about how the completion guidelines will be achieved.

For details on the proposal submission process see