Join us to celebrate FreeBSD Day! 

FreeBSD Day, celebrated on June 19, commemorates the launch of the FreeBSD open source operating system and recognizes its pioneering and continued impact on technology.

On June 19, 1993, an email thread on an early BSD list proposed project names for a new open source UNIX derivative. “FreeBSD” was quickly agreed upon from a list of choices. You can view part of the original email thread here. In 2017, the Registrar at National Day Calendar declared National FreeBSD Day to be celebrated annually.

To celebrate the developers, supporters, users, and contributors, we have a week of activities planned. Join us in the celebration by sharing your experiences.

FreeBSD Day


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We have a great week of content planned! Here’s how you can celebrate this milestone of your favorite open source operating system throughout the week:

Wednesday June 19

Join us on YouTube for Live interviews!

8:00am PT: Ed Maste, Senior Director of Technology, FreeBSD Foundation
Kicking off FreeBSD Day where Ed and Kim will talk about the cool stuff in the last year and the future direction of the project. Link to join.

9:00am PT: Mitchell Horne. We’ll talk about their RISC-V work with FreeBSD, how they were an intern with FreeBSD, and their journey from student to committer to the go-to person for RISC-V. Link to join.

10:00am PT: Tara Stella. As an enthusiastic user of FreeBSD, we’ll talk about stories of her FreeBSD use and experience with the operating system. Link to join.

11:00am PT: Colin Percival. Release engineering and stories of FreeBSD. Link to join.

Noon PT: Allan Jude. Klara and their role in the FreeBSD community. Link to join.

1pm PT: Ian Evans. Linux, FreeBSD, and how people use both OSs. Link to join.

Share your FreeBSD Story

Do you have a FreeBSD story you want to share? We’d love to hear it!

Share it and once it’s approved it will appear on this page below