The Call for Proposals for the BSDCan 2018 FreeBSD Developers Summit is now open. The DevSummit will features multiple tracks and take place June 6-7, 2018 with an additional track taking place as part of BSDCan on June 8. The bulk of the tracks will be working groups. Working groups should contain a small number of people (<= 30) focused on a particular topic who’s output is a specific plan.

Possible working group topics include:
– Packaging Base
– Development Tools (lldb, valgrind)
– External (Modern) Toolchains
– Graphics
– ARMv8
– Tracing in the Storage Stack (aka tcpdump for CAM)
– Fault Management
– Recruiting New Developers

Each working group proposal must include the following:

– A chairperson who will be responsible for making this group work. A chair may delegate work to other folks, but one person should have the final say rather than a committee.

– A single paragraph abstract giving a brief overview of what the working group session will cover and what goals you wish to achieve.

– A possible guest list to identify individuals known to be interested and working on the topic. The proposal should also include a list of individuals that you feel must be present for the group to be a success.

– An agenda with specific topics that the session will cover.

Please note: This is a by-invitation event. FreeBSD committers will be welcome to register themselves using the wiki; non-committers must be sponsored by a committer to attend. Attendees must also attend BSDCan  2018 in order to access all DevSummit activities.

Find out more here and submit today.